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This research demonstrates the study of service quality as enterprise growth factor because the business world is in constant progress generating competitiveness, which is necessary to survive the company, introduce differential, seeking benefits that can attract, retain, satisfy and customer loyalty. To achieve these goals we must always understand and meet the consumer so that he will feel confidence in the products and services the company is offering. It is considered that the company, always do research with their customers, to know how is the quality of care, because only then you can find your strengths and weaknesses. It is essential that companies have a good relationship with its customers, who can identify what their needs, thus avoiding the dissatisfaction, managing to maintain a lasting relationship. This paper aims, through literature and field research, promotes knowledge about the quality of care, thus achieving permanence in the market before their competitors. Customer Service. Hoje em dia, os clientes esperam dos profissionais dos quais lhes prestam serviços, que os tranquilizem quanto também os façam sentir-se a vontade na busca de seus objetivos dentro de uma empresa. Entende-se que um atendimento ao cliente correto é literalmente um objetivo obrigatório para qualquer negócio que almeje ser bem sucedido.

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Morena gostosa recém começo. Morena do verbal extremo sem pressa sem frescuras com localista. Melissa Goiâna Curta temporada. Larissa namoradinha ninfeta toda presumível e sem frescuras. Ruiva, Bocal e bunda grandioso, Benefício Ninfetinha.

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