
Saiba quem é Malala Yousafzai a paquistanesa que desafiou os talibãs

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The habit to see television is part of the current culture. In the majority of the Brazilian homes, they are they in the point most distant of the map, the TV is present entertaining and distracting the people, and for being a so attractive and popular media it finishes for intervening with the way to think, to act and if to relate with the world. In this direction, the project looks for to show of an attractive form, the use of this technology to promote the learning of critical form and brought up to date, since the grating of programming of all the emitting ones searchs to deal with current subjects in its programs, they are informative they or of entertainment. Being thus, the technological ways of communication, in special the television, can be used as resource to educate the look, to motivate the pupils and to transform the lessons into laboratories of the human knowledge and thus to contribute for the formation of citizens who obtain to see beyond the images and democratically to participate of the processes social politicians and of the context where he is inserted.

Mais Avaliados

O ataque aconteceu no dia 9 de outubro. Malala seguia em um ônibus escolar. Malala cresceu e nasceu neste contexto. Na época, ela tinha 11 anos. O blog era escrito sob um pseudônimo, mas logo se tornou conhecido. Os posts para a BBC duraram apenas alguns meses, mas deram notoriedade à menina. Por isso, o tiro levado pela menina foi exatamente mais chocante. No dia 9 de outubro, Malala deixou sua escola e seguiu para o ônibus que a levava para casa.

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Health care for the human: analysis of its strength is search for the health services. Universidade do Estado da Bahia. Guanambi, Brasil. Introducción: la atención Política Nacional Integral de la Salud en los hombres se creó para dirigir las acciones de salud y reducir las altas tasas de mortalidad masculina. Trae reflexión sobre masculinidad y concepciones de género. Objetivos: identificar las causas que llevan a los hombres a desarrollar resistencia al cuidado de su salud, y si las concepciones de género traen barreras a la demanda de servicios de salud.

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