
Portuguese dictionary: Words & Meanings in English

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Maria — esta « mulher » da Bíblia cf. Porque « a Igreja é em Cristo como que o sacramento Este quer ser precisamente o fio condutor do presente Documento, que se enquadra no amplo contexto do Ano Mariano, enquanto nos encaminhamos para o final do segundo milênio do nascimento de Cristo e o início do terceiro. Ef 1, 9. O Filho, Verbo consubstancial ao Pai, nasce como homem de uma mulher, quando chega a « plenitude dos tempos ». Sobre o pano de fundo desse vasto panorama, que põe em evidência as aspirações do espírito humano em busca de Deus — às vezes a caminhando quase às apalpadelas » cf.

A Representação da Sexualidade Feminina em A casa da paixão de Nélida Piñon

Contemporary literature has opened doors for the discussion of subjects that were previously considered as improper and motivators of social scandals, as is the case of sexuality, object of study of the present work, which seeks to show the representation of female sexuality in The House of Passion , by Nélida Piñon. It is a bibliographical research, qualitative, explanatory and for its realization, if necessary authors of the fields of psychology, sociology and historians like Jung , Freud , Foucault , Bergamasco , Moniz , among others so important for such reflections. In the end, it was verified that the female sexuality in the work is represented in the character Marta, in her journey of self-affirmation and discoveries, showing herself a woman ahead of her time, who escapes from the paradigms imposed by the patriarchal society in which she lives, driven by their personal and sexual interests and desires. Esta obra distingue-se especialmente, pelo simbolismo que permeia o enredo. A obra se desenvolve com a predominância de apenas quatro sujeitos, que, unidos em conflitos e descobertas, tornam-se arquetípicos, atemporais. Para Piñon, de fato, a força criadora do sexo deveria estar em evidencia. E isto se torna claro quando se tem o amadurecimento de Marta a partir das experiências que tem com Antônia e que se nega a ter, embora veladamente deseje. Os papeis sociais desempenhados pelas mulheres sofreram muitas modificações ao longo do mundo ocidental.

Performance religiosa e mobilidade social de mulheres no Portugal dos séculos XVII e XVIII

DOI: Palavras-chave: mulher, mobilidade social, religiosidade no Portugal moderno.. ABSTRACT: This article deals with the paths of a number of women who achieved a certain social distinction in seventeenth and eighteenth-century Portugal, despite the fact that they belonged to lower strata with respect to gender or social origins. The analysis is based on Inquisition proceedings related to the crimes of molinosism and simulation of ecstasies, visions and revelations; on written memories of religious communities; and on treatises about moral themes and saintly lives. Notwithstanding the particular characteristics of the cases examined here, there are homologies between the conceptions used to describe and validate them and the ones that refer to more institutionalized processes in the domains of law and government.

Mulieris Dignitatem (15 de agosto de ) | João Paulo II

The Portuguese language is originally from Portugal but is now spoken by native speakers worldwide. Brazil has the most native Portuguese speakers. Here we have gathered a vocabulary list of Portuguese words with meanings translated into English. English-Portuguese lexicon. AIDS: 1. Aaron Abissínia: 1. Abraham Acaia: 1. Achaea, Achaia Adriano: 1.

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