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Ahuvia, A. Journal of Consumer Research, 32 1 Andrew, J. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar. Araujo, F. The redefining of later life through leisure: music and dance groups in Brazil. Leisure Studies, 38 5

Ondulados Otavio

Os resultados apontaram melhor desempenho dos normovisuais e das crianças com deficiência congênita. Concluiu-se a importância de um instrumento específico para crianças deficientes visuais, haja vista a escassez de instrumentos destinados a este fim na literatura científica brasileira. Palavras-chave: medidas de inteligênciamedidas de inteligência, deficiência visual deficiência visual, desenvolvimento infantil desenvolvimento infantil, habilidades cognitivas habilidades cognitivas. Abstract: The aim of this study was to compare the cognitive performance of visually impared and disabled children, as well as to analyze the influence of group and education level through the Intelligence Assessment Battery for Visually Impaired Children BAIC-DV , justifying the importance of specific instruments for the targeted population. We evaluated the total of correct answers, runtime and influence of sex, age and education. The results showed better performance of sighted and children with congenital deficiency in relation to children with acquired deficiency. Children with low vision outperformed the blind. The influence of education variables on Verbal subtest and sex variable was noted on the memory subtest.

Torqua Isso

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