
Relações de gênero e sexualidade

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Realiza-se um breve percurso na História, destacando-se as definições para os termos gênero, feminismo e sexualidade, ressaltando-se as diferenças entre gênero e sexo, identidade de gênero e estereótipo, bem como sobre as regras de comportamento decorrentes desses valores. Palavras-chave:Relações de gênero. Study on gender relations and contributions of teaching pratice to desmystify the differences and prejudices about sex sexism in romm-to-school. Held a brief passage in history, especially the definitions for the terms gender, sexuality and feminism, highlighting the differences between sex and gender, gender identity and stereotype, as well as on rules of behavior resulting from these values. It is noteworthy that the school should enable the development of critical thought from the understanding of the body and sexual differences as culturally created in the society, possessing key role in the demystification of these differences, besides being an important tool in building values and attitudesallowing a more critical and reflective about the sexual and gender identities. For both interviews were conducted with teachers of elementary school, as well as routine observations of children in the class-room-with the goal of understanding how to make gender relations in the day-to-day life of children.

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